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The Scented Candle Store



My Story

Hi - and welcome to The Scented Candle Store

The faces behind the name - we are Alan & Jason Tuatara-Miles, from Blackpool, UK, and we joined Scentsy in November 2020 after receiving our first Scentsy products as a birthday gift in June. We were that impressed not only with the amazing fragrance - but the quality of the product too, that we decided to take the plunge and set up as Scentsy consultants and promote the brand.

This came at a great time for us both - as our primary job for the past 20 years has been in the travel and hospitality industry - and 12 years ago we set up our own business as Personal Travel Agents. The situation with Covid-19 has seen a massive fall in business and therefore we needed to explore other avenues of income - and Scentsy seemed the ideal choice - still working from home, at a time that fits around our lifestyle, with very little outlay.

We are still 'fresh out of the box' in our Scentsy journey - but the support that we have received in such a short time from our sponsor has been amazing. We are positive that this new venture will be start of something special in the world of Scentsy - allowing us to spend more time with our friends and family - but at the same time grow our business and help other people realise their dreams and potential.

The Scented Candle Store is an international brand - and you can join in any country. So - if you are interested in doing the same as what we have done simply get in touch or join online today.

My Favourite Scents